Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Because what the world needs now is another knitting blog.

Some friends of mine have blogs that are dedicated to knitting and I have been sucked into this alternate world of knitting web pages. I must admit to being a bit disturbed by the bulk of the online knitting blogs I have encountered. Yes, there are the great ones like yarn harlot, but so many of the blogs out there seem to strike this cooler than thou, look what I can do and aren't I fabulous tone. It makes me feel strange, frankly. A friend of mine who, like me, has been knitting since she was a child, commented that while she likes all the cool knitting patterns and yarns that are available everywhere, she feels the need to make it clear that she is not a trendy knitter. I know how she feels. This goes beyond the tendency we all have to assert that we did something before it was cool. It gets to something else, some need we have to state that we are above the competition, but if those who are interested in competing even try to take us on, they are in for a beating. And this is totally nuts because this is knitting we are talking about. However, I do want to talk about knitting and I have a lot to say about knitting, but I don't want my other blog to turn into a knitting blog. And I have a ton of patterns I have created over the years and while I can't believe anyone might want to replicate them, I can at least show them off.

I have already written about Knitting and Breastfeeding and I have written a knitting related eulogy to Penny Spokes wherein I ask for people to send me photos of them wearing stuff I made them.


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